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Current management of Pharmaceuticals.org, Inc. in collaboration with Porta-John¨ Systems, Inc. has been developing methods of harvesting human generated toxic pharmaceuticals and human sourced proteins within the scope of operating a portable sanitation business and is very interested in expanding this business concept throughout the world.

(Patent #6317900)

These concepts enjoy an optimum environmental and economic symbiosis and are built around issued and pending conceptual patents. In effect, we have established proprietary methods for the mining of human waste.

Our pharmaceutical areas of interest and expertise are as follows:

Recovery and Disposal of Toxic Pharmaceuticals
Interdiction of Pharmaceuticals in the Ecosystem
Production of Human Sourced Proteins

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Need Advice:
E-Mail: info@toilets.com
Download your 58 page bibliography of toxic pharmaceutical waste.
Click to View
(Patent #6317900)
Porta-John®, Green John®, Sani Jon®, Portaloo®, RentACan®, FranchiseFinder.com®, WasteManagementOnline®, "Out-Standing in the Field"® are all Registered Trademarks
Porta John®
U.S. Sales: 1-800-521-6310
1-888-Porta-John - 1-888-767-8256
Int'l: 1-586-739-4611
Fax: 1-586-731-0670
E-mail: Info@Toilets.com